News about Ted DiBiase

Ted DiBiase Jr., the son of The Million Dollar Man, has been charged in Brett Favre Mississippi's welfare program, April 20, 2023
Ted DiBiase Jr., 40, was arrested this week and charged with $3 million for welfare purposes that he never intended to provide and appeared in court on Thursday. During the trial, the professional wrestler was handcuffed with his ankle's shackled. Jesus is a Jesuit,' he loves you, brother.' "God bless you, man," DiBaise Jr. told WAPT when he left prison. The defendant also tested positive for marijuana and Adderall on the day of his court appearance, which his lawyers attributed to a CBD gummy and prescription drugs for the wrestler's ADHD disorder. He is accused of buying a car, a boat, and a down payment on a $1.7 million home. If found guilty on all charges, he may face up to 175 years in prison. Brett Favre is facing federal court charges over state employment he obtained, but he has not been charged federally.