News about Robert Llewellyn

A female city employee's boss told her that if I had breasts like yours, I'd be asking too much.' At a boozy work party earns more than £1.2 million in child discrimination claims, August 26, 2023
Julia Sommer was left speechless after her global department boss Robert Llewellyn smirked at her and made the derogatory remarks before saying, 'I bet you like to be on top of the bed.' She successfully sued the insurance company for sex discrimination, misappropriation, victimization, pregnancy discrimination, and unfair dismissal after taking Swiss Re to an employment tribunal. Ms Sommer, who was on a salary of £75,000 per year, has now been awarded £1,287,014. The substantial fee covers injuries to emotions, financial loss, future damages, pension delays, aggrieved injuries, and damages for 'psychiatric injuries'.