News about Paul Chambers

Last year, Oakland saw 15,000 vehicles – equivalent to one for every THIRTY of its residents. According to the Understaffed police department, it is too crowded dealing with a 21% rise in violent crime to help, January 7, 2024
A nightmare is unfolding for car owners in Oakland as vehicle thefts reach an all-time peak, leaving people angry and helpless. Almost 15,000 cars were reported stolen in Oakland last year alone, the most high number in at least 15 years. That's equivalent to one in every thirty of its residents being snatched from their vehicle.

The fall of the REAL Oakland Raiders: Two alleged pirates were arrested in San Francisco Bay for brazen raids on yachts and houseboats, where they looted treasures and sunk the ships, October 9, 2023
After months of robbes and gunfights with boaters in a California estuary, a few' criminals thought to be attacking vessels were arrested by the Coast Guard and handed over to local police.' At least one perpetrator, who has not been identified, has been charged with the unlawful possession of a stolen home. The Oakland Estuary, which is sandwiched between the cities of Oakland and Alameda, is believed to have been perpetrated by two individuals. One local posted a snapshot of two "pirates" on Facebook in August, while her husband said he was actively working with the coast guard. However, it is also unknown if these two criminals are the suspected ringleaders.