Kina Grannis Instagram

Kina Grannis

IG ID: #272480
IG Username: @kinagrannis


223.3k followers, 587 Following

12 Aug 2022

this morning i had one of those moments where all of a sudden life in all its beauty and all its heartbreaking sadness hit me all at once. it was less about the content of the moment and more about what that content allowed me to feel, but nevertheless, allow me to paint a little scene. ā€œembers IIā€ by rob graves is playing. (brownie points if you stop reading right now to put this song on and get the full effect.) iā€™m sitting in my kitchen. aya is front of me in her high chair, backlit by the morning sun, smiling and eating her breakfast. from time to time she looks up at jesse or me and makes her new funny face at us until someone makes it back and then breaks into laughter. that's it. it was a simple scene but it was so overwhelmingly beautiful that it felt like my heart would burst. it was like BAM oh god these are the moments. this is it. this is what itā€™s all about. and then the next moment BAM oh god this perfect moment and all momentsĀ are ending forever every second. and i donā€™t have the bandwidth to remember them all. and how can i possibly handle knowing all this will be gone.Ā and let's forget about the heavy "gones" for a second--forget growing up and growing old and death--how about tomorrow or in an hour when iā€™m stuck in some useless brain loop about a weird thing i said that one time and if people think iā€™m stupid--and where is all this beauty in that moment? where is aya and love and life and all the stuff that really matters? i know in a way it has to be this way. that if we held onto all our moments all the time there would be no room to experience the moment we are in. i just want to trust that while the particular poignancy and texture of any moment may be forgotten, that the part of it that matters is stitched into us somehow. that even if we aren't thinking about it, we carry it with us somewhere it can't be lost. i wish i had a nice bow to tie this all up with, but that's where i'm at. if you have a nice bow for me, please offer in the comments. lastly and completely unrelatedly, i covered "re: stacks" by bon iver and it was incredibly healing for me to work on and it is out today. i hope you enjoy it šŸ¤

Posted by @kinagrannis on

12 Jun 2022

impromptu livestream šŸ˜¬

Posted by @kinagrannis on