News about John Ensign

Elizabeth Helgelien, the Nevada GOP nominee, applauds her mother-in-law's labeling her a serial imposter: 'The best thing she can do is to remove herself from the polls,' says op-ed.', March 19, 2024
After Christine Halseth's bruticious op-ed, Drew Johnson, an opponent of Republican candidate Elizabeth Helgelien (left), has called on her to drop out of the Nevada 3rd District primary for the good of the party. Dems warned that her husband Daniel Halseth (right) was fatally stabbed 70 times by his own 16-year-old daughter Sierra (inset) and her boyfriend Aaron Guerrero, 18, in April 2021 - as well as her history of infidelity and sex scandals, and she advised Democrats that they should run targeted attack ads about how her husband Daniel Halseth (right) was fatally stabbed 70 times by her own 19-year-old daughter Sierra (inset