News about Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Fancy a hot fish sarnie? How to realistically eat 30 plants a week by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Tim Spector, May 4, 2024
Roast summer veg with lemony dressing This is a lovely substantial dish, combining grains and spuds with the first early summer greens.

After a TV writer died of overdose in a hotel room, police apologised to widow Nick Fisher of River Cottage for presenting'misinformation' at an inquest, December 18, 2023
Nicholas David Fisher, 63, better known as Nick, was a screenwriter who appeared on Channel 4's River Cottage with celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall when it first premiered in 1999. After he failed to return to his house in Hooke near Beaminster on November 15, 2022, he sparked a missing person hunt. Mr Fisher was found dead in a hotel room at Wessex Royale Hotel in Dorchester two days later. Mr Fisher's inquest into Brendan Allen began on Wednesday, July 5 but was postponed due to issues surrounding the police search and access to Nick's mobile phone.

Leading TV chefs, including Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Yotam Ottolenghi, claim that ultra-processed foods are 'hijacking kids' tastebuds' and robbing them of the "joys of REAL texture and flavor.', December 13, 2023
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Yotam Ottolenghi, Dr. Chris van Tulleken, and Kimberley Wilson were among the group's 'blindfolding' children to taste and texture, according to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, who added that the products are 'blindfolding' children to taste and texture. Many people will grow up "only knowing the simplified and sweet flavors" of UPFs,' according to a letter sent by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, putting long-term health risks into account. Additive-rich foods have long been chastised for their ostensible side effects, with studies comparing them to cancer and heart disease. Experts have even recommended that UPFs, which is typically anything edible that contains more artificial ingredients than traditional ones, be cut from diets. The letter's signatories, as well as the Soil Association, which promotes environmentally sustainable food, raising, and land use, had advised Mr Sunak to guarantee that five portions of fruit and vegetables were a day.

Inquest police did not investigate his phone when he vanished, according to River Cottage's widow, July 5, 2023
According to the inquest in Bournemouth, the 63-year-old scriptwriter and author was discovered dead at the Wessex Royale Hotel in Dorchester two days later after his son Rex had discovered his car outside after spending hours looking for him. His numbing wife reported that her BAFTA-award winning husband had a long-running heroin use, as well as opium, marijuana, and magic mushrooms. Mr Fisher (left and right with Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall) had died after in the hotel room from a fatal overdose on painkiller's tramadol and morphine.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall serves up a hearty (and healthy) festive banquet, December 9, 2022
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstallstall serves up a hearty (and healthy) festive banquet that won't break the bank, highlighting recipes from his new River Cottage book this week. The delectable roast chicken (pictured), as well as a festive squash dish, and a Christmas pudding were among the dishes on display.