News about Edouard Manet

His artistic associates and even his own brother were dissatisfied. However, Noj Barker's holiday doodles, made entirely of dots, have become a internet hit and are selling for thousands. Meet Leonardo Dot Vinci!, November 11, 2023
With hundreds and thousands of dots now gracing the walls of his rented home in Northamptonshire, the father of four Noj Barker has gone viral with his 'dot art'. Some, which are teen and intricate, are more substantial and psychedelic than others, who are more elaborate and fessive. 'I'm deeply in love with the colours I'm working with,' he says. I'm making 'the shades'. It can be eerily hallucinogenic. Trance-like. Almost every mind-altering activity.' While Noj's dot photos may all be a little niche, they do have a following.

Historian A.N. Museums should avoid apologizing for and censoring the past, according to WILSON, December 2, 2022
A.N. WILSON: We may have wished that museums had existed to remind us how diverse the human experience of life has been before. The strangeness, cruelty, and the uncanniness of human life overwhelmed visitors to the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford in days gone by. In a fairground, shrunken heads dangled like coconuts (pictured bottom right). For those of us, museums have been the beginning of our discovery of the planet's remarkable and rich cultural diversity. We can see statues made by Phidias in 5th century BC Athens, which have been preserved by scholars and conservators for all around the world to enjoy. However, today, the emphasis on museum visits is less on the exhibits and more on the visitors. For example, the Courtauld Institute in London has given visitors a'misogyny warning' for one of Edouard Manet's finest works, A Bar At The Follies-Bergere (pictured top right).