News about Andre Carter

According to Congress, NFL Draft hopeful and Army linebacker Andre Carter II can defer military service, December 20, 2022
Thanks to some year-end law that was officially posted Tuesday morning, Army linebacker Andre Carter II will be eligible for the 2023 NFL draft. Responding to outrage among football fans and other concerned citizens and politicians on Capital Hill, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, which is set to pass this week, will encourage Carter and other current academy upperclassmen from Army, Navy, and Air Force to defer their mandatory military service to pursue pro sports. According to ESPN, the decision was reached after several high-ranking members of Congress, including Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and Richard Shelby, were interested in the issue. "It's not normal for a bill to be announced, and less than ten days later, a bill will be able to pass through the House, Senate, and get a Presidential signature as quickly as possible," a source familiar with the law told ESPN.