News about Yitzhak Rabin

STEPHEN GLOVER: I'm a supporter of Israel, but there comes a point when the killing wreaked on innocent people outweighs the original sin, April 3, 2024
STEPHEN GLOVER: Maybe it was a freak accident. However, it's difficult to believe that a single rogue missile caused the chaos, but that three separate, precisely targeted ones. As the government in Jerusalem has stated, the incident has raised suspicions that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) haven't been as vigilant in attempting to prevent civilian deaths as the government has. 196 humanitarian workers (including the seven on Monday night) have been killed in the conflict, according to the United Nations' website. Were they also the victims of accidents? Two members of an Al Jazeera media crew died when a fired IDF missile struck their car in January. A video footage of four apparently innocent Palestinian men being killed while walking on wasteland appeared in March.

I'm a fan of Israel, but William is correct. The mass, often indiscriminate, killing of women and children has to stop, February 22, 2024
Prince William was certainly inept to intervene in the Middle East crisis in the way he did. He is supposed to be above politics as the heir to the throne. He is not meant to say anything that could have an effect on Britain's relations with foreign countries. Can one imagine the late Queen doing so? Of course not. And yet, although he was unwise to speak out, he said what was certainly morally correct and represented the views of millions of people who are still mourning over the deaths and injuries of so many innocent people, including thousands of children in Gaza, as the Prince. Since the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, William is correct to be "deeply concerned" about the "terrible human cost of the war. He's also entitled to expect that 'as soon as possible' be the end of the war.' In effect, he was calling for a ceasefire, which is something the government hasn't quite achieved.

STEPHEN GLOVER: Whether you like it or not, the BBC helps shape the nation's soul. So why won't it give a name to PURE EVIL?, October 15, 2023
STEPHEN GLOVER: The BBC's decision not to distinguish the mass murderers of Hamas as a human tragedy unfolds, as the Middle East stands on the brink of disaster, as well as a human tragedy unfolds in Gaza. However, I suspect the Corporation's decision is deeply regrettable, and casts doubt not only on its credibility but also on its sense of moral decency. It's now at some very suspect numbers.

Following Benjamin Netanyahu's triumph, Israel's defeated Prime Minister calls for peace, November 6, 2022
After the country's fifth election since 2019, outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid warned of the growing divides plaguing the country. Religious Zionism, an extremist party whose leaders had made repeated anti-Arab, anti-LGBTQ remarks, seemed to have targeted him. Religious Zionism emerged as the third largest party in Parliament, and is expected to play a key role in Netanyahu's government.