News about Wyndham Lewis

Iconic makeover in Malvern: Sir Roy Strong's classic garden is taking centre stage next week, May 5, 2024
CIAR BYRNE: A highly personal garden created by Sir Roy Strong and his late wife Julia Trevelyan Oman in deepest Herefordshire, The Laskett, has always divided opinion.  Some people consider it too theatrical while others love it. Whichever camp you fall into we can all learn from its design principles.  Next week the iconic garden is being recreated at the RHS Malvern Spring Festival (May 9 to 12). 

PETER HITCHENS: Your starter for 10 - why has University Challenge become a festival of political correctness?(With questions almost no one can possibly answer), January 18, 2024
Our questionnaires reveal that your results are important. They help us identify what kind of people we are. Thousands of pubs hold their own quiz nights every week. Few other occasions bring the generations of people together in the same way. And on television, they can have a huge effect. Britain had its own scandal in 2001 when contestant, the Coughing Major, was accused of cheating on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? With the help of accomplices, we were able to get home. However, perhaps the biggest controversy of the University Challenge has been turned into a festival of political correctness, with some of whose answers being more or less impossible to answer, and many more (I suspect) being answered because so many teams now prepare for them.