News about William Blount

After being stabbed in the back by thug at Yankees Stadium, a man 33-year-old man was left with a punctured lung, August 8, 2022
At the Yankee Stadium subway stop in New York City in what the victim suspects was a hate attack, murder upswings more than 51% compared to last year. Leo Frasier, 33, a 33-year-old man, said he was on the escalator when the shirtless man, who seemed to be in his late teens or early 20s, leaned into him. Just missing his lung, the assassination proceeded as the assassination proceeded. Frasier told the news station that he suspects that his attacker knew he is gay, and that is why he was attacked. The attack comes as the city sees crime spiking a whopping 56 percent on the subways in July across the five boroughs since last year