News about Wally Schirra

Thomas Stafford, the Apollo 10 command, has died at the age of 93: The 1969 moon landing's three-star general led a dress rehearsal flight, March 18, 2024
On Monday, Thomas Stafford, the Apollo 10 commander, died at the age of 93. He ordered the dress reversal for the 1969 moon landing. Max Ary, director of the Stafford Air & Space Museum in Weatherford, Oklahoma, died in a hospital near his Space Coast Florida home. In four space missions, the retired Air Force three-star general served in four missions. He flew on two Gemini flights, including the first rendezvous of two US capsules in orbit, well before Apollo 10.

The 10 everyday items that wouldn't exist without space travel, December 30, 2022
You would not believe that everyday items such as baby powder, wireless headphones, and memory foam mattresses were linked to space travel. But they are just some of the many inventions that came about as a result of a keenness to fly astronauts into orbit, as well as off the back of International Space Station experiments. Camera phones, the mouse, and even some ski boots are among the cosmos' roots, as well as improved water filtering techniques and scratch-resistant lenses. MailOnline looks at some of the most popular scientific advancements that came from space.