News about Toshiro Mifune

The remakes of British TV classics that are BETTER than the originals and where to watch them on streaming (and the shows that were better first time around), March 7, 2024
Magic formulas must exist for successful TV shows, but actors and writers have yet to find a foolproof spell. Instead, they keep falling back on the classics, remaking favourite shows in the hopes that lightning will strike twice. Here we examine eight classics and compare them to their remakes - some are better than the original, some are more popular but equally good, and at least one of them is a horrible clunker.

Review by the New Model Agency: This fashion-shoot documentary, although lacking in focus, is a jumbled mess, writes CHRISTOPHER STEVENS, February 28, 2024
CHRISTOPHER STEVENS: "So, tell me about yourself," the most inane question any interviewer will ask is, "So, tell me about yourself." It's worse than lazy, revealing a complete lack of interest. I't bothered finding out the first thing about you.' It's the question that modeling company director Zoe smacked Devon in the first part of the fashion-shoot series New Model Agency (Ch4). The lad was a bit unimpressed, as anyone else: 'I'm just a normal, simple guy,' he said, unsure what else he was supposed to say.

On screen, Disney's latest Shogun film includes beheadings, a man being boiled to death, and violent feuds... and viewers adore it!, February 27, 2024
The much awaited action-drama set in the 17th century depicts the brutality of feudal Japan and revolves around a military chief fighting for his life in a series of brutal, violent clashes. Shogun, based on James Clavell's acclaimed 1975 book, features brutal beheadings, people boiled alive, and sliced open with katanas, with fans still commemorating it as one of the year's most blood-thirsty smash hits. The fantasy epic has already received rave reviews around the world, with fans and commentators alike delighting in its brutality and brutal storytelling.