News about Tcheky Karyo

On Demand's 20 best British thrillers to watch right now: Our analysts sift through hundreds of options to narrow down the shows to watch, March 25, 2024
It's all happening in British and Irish television, with big-budget John Le Carney, Cockney obsters, and murder in Calder Valley. We've compiled a list of the 20 best thrillers to watch On Demand right now, sifting through thousands of options to save you the hassle. Looking for a new series to stream? Find out which shows it's worth investing your time in...

Boat Story: You wouldn't see this much gore in a zombie film if Tarantino made it, writes CHRISTOPHER STEVENS, November 20, 2023
What would you do?If you were walking the dog and found a truckload of cocaine next to a couple of corpses on a deserted beach, would you ignore the bodies and steal the drugs? It's a ridiculous thing. Jack and Harry Williams, writers, don't want us to take it seriously. They're really asking is... "Yeah, but what if?" trolls are asking. No other British screenwriters dare to do this, putting the credibility of the opening credits to the test and then stretching them. We have the wildly improved version of the boat story (BBC1), with three children shrieling in delight at a fractured head in a field. It's like the Just William version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.