News about Tanya Streeter

The husband of a diver who died in a tragic accident on Netflix portraying his character as a murderer, May 7, 2023
It's undeniably thrilling as television dramas go. Roxana Aubrey (left of right) is a rising star in the extreme sport of freediving, where competitors descend to the ocean's deepest depths without oxygen. Such is her ability, she is attempting to set a world record by diving 561 feet below the sea's surface in a single breath. However, the biggest threat to her isn't below the waves, but above them, in the form of her devoted and cynical husband Pascal Gautier (right of right), whose own career as a freediver are fading. He is seen furtively adjusting the inflatable airbag she will need to safely propel her safely back to the surface just minutes before his wife's dangerous show. Tragedy strikes as the security equipment malfunctions, and Roxana drowns (Audrey Mestre and husband Francisco "Pipin' Ferreras left).