News about Stuart Laing

Leslie Kenyon, a greyhound racing trainer, has been barred from participating in the sport's live baiting of dogs, prompting the call for the ban of the sport, September 6, 2023
The Geelong, Victoria, member of Parliament has called for the sport to be outlawed, bringing back memories of the disgusting baiting evidence that stunned Australia when it was revealed in 2015 by the ABC (pictured left and right).

Following the raid, the trainer has been suspended and 'could face criminal charges' for greyhound racing over a live baiting fiasco, September 6, 2023
The new development near Geelong, Victoria, has resulted in an MP calling for the sport to be outlawed, bringing back memories of the disgusting baiting evidence that shocked Australia when it was first discovered in 2015 (pictured left and right).