News about Stewart Stern

Paul Newman had a mean mother, drank to oblivion and never believed he was sexy, October 27, 2022
Paul Newman was 83 when he died in 2008. This is still impossible to believe. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid, Cool Hand Luke, and The Color Of Money, among other things, never appeared to age. Usually in scruffy cowboy attire, permanently sultry and hip-slinging, Newman had a virile intensity - who could escape the gaze of those ice-blue eyes? This book has been boiled down from 14,000 pages of transcribed interview data when Newman, 1986 to 1991, talked with his friend Stewart Stern and a tape recorder was running. There are also interspersed remarks from producers and family members to create a composite portrait of a celebrity who claims he has "no emotional help from anyone." The new man appeared to be utterly perplexed by his own appeal. In the 1950s, when a magazine asked its readers which well-known celebrity they had sexual fantasies about, the king was Newman, and he didn't know why. He thought everyone was mistaking him for Marlon Brando or James Dean, and Newman signed their names when giving autographs for a long time.