News about Stephen Crane

In Glasgow, was there a vampire scare after World War II?, January 16, 2024
A group of children in the Southern Necropolis, a massive cemetery in Glasgow's Gorbals district, reported a vampire. The children, who were between the ages of four to fourteen, told a menacing figure with iron teeth that had assaulted and killed two young boys. The news broke quickly, sparking a surge of anxiety and hysteria in the region. Glasgow police were alerted to a disturbance at the cemetery on the evening of September 23, 1954. When they arrived, they were amazed to find many hundred youngsters, wielded with wooden stakes, knives, and home-made tomahawks, on the hunt for a vampire. Many households had their dogs. On this occasion, a local headmaster was summoned to the cemetery to coerce the children to obey. However, the children returned for the next two nights with the sole intention of finding and killing the Gorbals vampire. It became abundant that the children had misinterpreted the situation as the legend unfolded. In reality, the so-called 'vampire' was an abandoned and decayed old tomb that the children had mistook for a creature. The iron railings surrounding it were described as teeth, fueling the imaginative story.

Gannett is being sued by employees over a "reverse racial" policy that increases women and minorities over others, according to the newest challenge to DEI in corporate America, August 25, 2023
According to legal documents, Gantnett carried out their reverse racial discrimination policy with a callous indifference toward civil rights legislation or employee welfare, as well as prospective employees' whose lives would be affected by it.' Five employees report they were dissatisfied with the firm's diversity recruitment policy, which was introduced in 2020 in order to make newsrooms more like the communities they served for five years. It's the newest in a line of lawsuits and actions that seek to combat'reverse bigotry' in corporate America.