News about Shawn Smith

How mindfulness and therapy may be making our children MORE depressed and anxious, May 6, 2024
In a time when mental health is talked about more than ever, there is a camp of experts who are afraid we may have gone too far. Schools across the country are implementing mental health awareness campaigns and pushing mindfulness and meditation techniques in classrooms. But, there is some evidence heightened awareness and focus on mental health is having the opposite effect and isn't helping children at all, but is making anxiety and depression worse.

According to top experts, how therapy has turned generation of Americans into "victims" and that the CAUSING depression epidemic is affecting the soaring depression epidemic, April 1, 2024
In recent decades, there has been a drive to get more Americans talking about their feelings. However, experts are beginning to wonder if the widespread use of therapy is really having the opposite effect and contributing to America's depression epidemic. Professor Robert Dingwall, a social scientist, (pictured right) said that there may be a tendency to overmedicalize everyday problems in pursuit of commercial motives. Shawn Smith, a Colorado-based clinical psychologist, said that this can promote a victim mentality.

Buy Now Pay Later app Klarna axes popular financing product used by 90,000 shoppers just weeks before Christmas amid technical issues which have affected customers' credit scores, November 12, 2023
Klarna's 'buy now, pay later' app has been killed just weeks before Christmas, when technical issues were discovered. The company claims that the closing of the Financing Account product is unrelated to issues that have arisen in the last five weeks, in which repayments haven't been confirmed. After the outstanding debts were paid, the regulated credit product, which allows customers to spread the cost of costly purchases like furniture, phones, and other electronics, will be wound down. Customer payments made by direct debit were not being confirmed at the start of October, and they were rated as'missed payments,' affecting credit ratings. Klarna says it is aware of the issue and that it will be resolved before the next payment deadline in December.