News about Sarah Potempa

The "Kitty Cut" will be everywhere this year, according to experts, January 10, 2024
Last year, there was no stranger to animal-themed haircuts, and there was something for everyone. Fans of shaggy styles could opt for the wolfette or cub cuts, anyone who wanted to try with a variety of layers, opt for the butterfly cut, and if you wanted a more natural look, the jellyfish cut was your answer. We know we're just starting a new year, but if you believed the animal haircuts were cut in 2023, consider it again. The new style trend for this season is the "kitty" cut, and we're not "meow-d" about it. (Get it?) Bob haircuts have been a hit over the past year, and this new style is keeping to the trend. It's short, it's shabby, and it's likely to take over your social media feed this coming season. Experts lay out everything you need to hear about the popular new haircut, including who it suits best, how to ask your stylist for the haircut, and how to maintain the look at home. To learn everything there is to know about the kitty chop, please keep reading.

The runways of New York Fashion Week have a glam look, and here's how to recreate them, September 14, 2022
Fashion Week is a bi-annual event where designers showcase their latest collections, which determine the following season's top trends. And although the emphasis is on the clothes, it's impossible to ignore the beauty when the glam is portrayed by the industry's top hair and makeup artists. Here's a rundown of wearable beauty products from the catwalks and how to make them come alive.