News about Sam Edwards

According to experts, the Last of Us zombie virus is real and can infect humans, January 21, 2023
The fictional fungus that has infects humanity in the upcoming HBO series 'The Last of Us' is, unfortunately, based on a true one. Cordyceps forces contaminated carpenter ants to walk to the top of a plant and clamp its jaws on the plant with a 'death grip' that will hold it until it dies. The fungus then sprouts antennae-like stalks from its victim's exoskeleton, which then spreads spores into the ground below, allowing it to infect as many insects as possible. Although the series' designers specifically mention this as the source of their pandemic, there are a slew of other parasitic fungi that plague various insects around the world. The prospect that a similar fungus growing to infect humans is 'not too far-fetched,' according to experts.