News about Sally Bloomfield

Before going to the loo, you will have to wash your hands, April 1, 2023
Jordyn Woodruff and Alex Bennett, two American social media stars, admitting to not washing their hands after - omit the words - going for a pee in the short video, which has been watched seven million times on Twitter. With thousands of viewers as well as thousands of people who have commented, TikTok's video sharing service has since earned 350,000 views. Many were eager to point out that Woodruff and Bennett are far from alone. One referred to the fact that "ninety-nine percent of people who wash their hands are lying," one said, while another wrote, "Most men do not."

According to a hygiene specialist, there is no reason why you don't have to shower each morning, November 1, 2022
Showering is only recommended to prevent bad body odor, according to Sally Bloomfield, a sanitation specialist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Amou Haji, the world's dirtiest man, who did not wash for nearly 60 years, died in Dejgah, Iran, at the age of 94. And Professor Bloomfield, who endorsed the Government's handwashing drive during the Covid pandemic, said there was nothing wrong with his diet from a hygiene standpoint.