News about Ross Clark

Ross Clark: There's a net zero deadline that Sunak didn't mention, September 22, 2023
ROSS CLARK: If we plough on aiming for the arbitrary 2050 target, the Prime Minister must go a step further in freeing us from the huge costs that will be imposed on households and businesses.

OSS CLARK: For years, this polluting green sham has mocked taxpayers, but Drax has been depriving taxpayers of £639 million last year by playing the lottery scheme, August 2, 2023
ROSS CLARK: Are we really surprised that the operators of Drax power station deprived taxpayers of £639million last year by - legally - gaming the subsidy system? For years, the North Yorkshire power station has been draining our pockets, but we have been led to believe that its woodchip-fired boilers, which use mainly from North American forests, are supplying us with a safe, carbon-free source of electricity. Since 2016, we have collectively bankrolled Drax with £1.4 billion in subsidies, but what have we got to show for the money? Sure, not clean air – Drax continues to spew out sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and soot as it did on its days as Britain's biggest coal-fired station, as shown by the photographs on the website of crystal-clear skies, cutesy graphics on'renewable bioenergy,' and predictions about our'renewable future.' If you turn a blind eye to a colossal bureaucratic sleight of hand, neither has Drax provided us carbon-free electricity.

ROSS CLARK: We hear about climate change are greeted with hysterical words and skepticism, March 23, 2023
ROSS CLARK: A whole generation has been traumatized by apocalyptic words. Climate worries, according to evidence, are leading to anxiety disorders and depression. Although there are quality reports that average global temperatures have risen by just over 1 cent in the last 150 years, biblical storms, uncontrollable temperatures, and endless fires are nothing more than irresponsible scaremongery.

According to ROSS CLARK, the government's vision of net zero would leave us all hungry...Poorer, colder, and hungrier, January 21, 2023
ROSS CLARK, a brilliantly defending the Establishment consensus, has written a new book in which hysteria and doom-mongering surrounding the climate change debate might do more harm than the rise in temperatures could ever have caused. In the second extract, he reveals the folly of politicians' frantic to zero. a.k.a. .

PETER HITCHENS: A long war in Ukraine will bring nothing but death, poverty and ruin, August 27, 2022
I ask you to consider what the Prime Minister said in Kiev a few days earlier: "If we're paying our electricity bills for Vladimir Putin's derogations, the people of Ukraine are paying in their blood." We must keep going,' Mr Johnson said. We must demonstrate as friends of Ukraine that we have the same tactical tenacity as Ukraine's leaders.' Must we?Till when?Is this either a conservative or a patriotic thing to say?Is it even sensible? Answer before answering. War is often started with war. However, it has a horrible way of ruining the lives of those who once flocked for it.