News about Ron Chernow

The White House Correspondents' Dinner is a glitz and glamour tour by, April 28, 2023
The White House Correspondents' Dinner Weekend this year seems to be on track to return to the Obama-era glory of celebrities pouring into Washington and attending overlapping parties.

Lin-Manuel Miranda condemns Hamilton's 'illegal, illicit manufacture' of the Texas church, August 14, 2022
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton's founder, has now spoken out against the Texas church that performed an illegal interpretation of his hit Broadway show. Last weekend, the Door Christian Fellowship Ministries in McAllen, Texas, held two showings of the updated version that included passages from the Bible that were never included in the original script. Miranda expressed his gratitude to Hamilton supporters on Twitter and Instagram pages, as well as a remark that his legal team is now on the case.

David McCullough, Pulitzer-winning historian, dies at 89, August 8, 2022
David McCullough, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer whose ly crafted narratives on topics ranging from the Brooklyn Bridge to President John Adams and Harry Truman, has died. He was 89. According to Simon & Schuster's publisher, McCullough died in Hingham, Massachusetts, on Sunday. Rosalee, his beloved wife, died less than two months after he was born. David McCullough was a national treasure.' His books brought history to life for millions of readers. 'Simon & Schuster CEO Jonathan Karp said in a tweet that he systematically illustrated the most ennobling portions of the American character.'