News about Roger Miller

PETER HITCHENS: The discussion about Israel and Russia rages despite ignorance and indignation, February 4, 2024
PETER HITCHENS: Why is politics like football? I had no idea. But it isn't true. If you take one political position, you are likely to have joined a camp and therefore have endorsed all of the other political viewpoints that usually go with that one. You either cheer for United or cheer for City. What if you like some things that United do, and some things that City do? For example, take my deep dislike of Britain's remission to the IRA in 1998, which is now close to its final result, and Sinn Fein's takeover of the entire island of Ireland. If I should say this, I am bombarded by people who think I endorse the nefarious 'loyalist' gangsters on social media. Or, they believe I sympathise with discrimination against Catholics in Northern Ireland. I actually don't. Or, in the Middle East, there is the current gory mess. You must either be an avid promoter of the Arab cause in Israel, which I am not. Or you can't support Gaza's Israeli bombardment, which I do not understand.