News about Robert Graves

The mother of Jay-Z's suspected son reveals the truth about the ostensible 'fling', May 12, 2023
Wanda Satterthwaite, who died in 2019, continued to insist that Jay-Z, the real name of her son, Rymir Carter, is the father of her son Rymir Carter, now 30, and she fought until her last days to insist that her child's father proves her child's parentage once and for all. Rymir is now sharing his mother's recollection of the night she says she and Jay-Z had sex, according to, who revealed the affidavit in which she revealed her memories of that evening in 1992. In the paper, which dates back to February 25, 2015, Rymir's ailing mother says she and Jay-Z met through a common friend and spent a night together at the rapper's apartment in Brooklyn - and, most tellingly, that they had 'protected sex' but that the 'protection broke.'

Why Robert Graves' own love life made I, Claudius appear tame: MATTHEW BOND, a Laureate, MATTHEW BOND's essay The Laureate explains how Robert Graves' own love life made I, Claudius seem tame, May 7, 2023
MATTHEW BOND: Call me superficial, but I do love the sort of historical film in which even the incidental characters make it to be well-known. You know, the type of film where someone might casually say: 'Ah, Lord Byron, have you met Shelley and his wife, Mary?' The Laureate has the same appearance as the others. Robert Graves, the acclaimed First Word War poet who would go on to write I, Claudius, is at the center of the story. Here we see that he was close enough to his fellow poet Siegfried Sassoon to call him'sass,' although his inner circle included T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and poet T. S. Eliot, while poet T. S. Eliot.