Rain Dove Instagram

Rain Dove

IG ID: #880345432
IG Username: @raindovemodel

Website: www.paypal.me

425.52k followers, 3,086 Following

4 Nov 2022

One of only two of my college campus is speaking engagements in the past few years that hasn’t had protesters at it! Dont get me wrong, I actually really love having anti-trans or anti-lgbtq protesters at my events because they can be very rewarding to speak with, it’s nice to break into new communities, and I always learn new things. However, recently it’s become increasingly dangerous with open carry laws and the satisfaction of Twitter approved confrontational videos that people get- which encourages them to act more erratically than ever in the name of clicks or likes. Following me to the parking lot or into the bathroom at the end. It can get nerve wracking sometimes. While I am prepared to handle this kind of volatility- it’s hard for others who attend and are accosted. Who were just looking for a safe space or community. I’ve never hired security guards my entire career, but I find myself prior to mid terms in the USA, feeling a rising tension. People taking blurry photos of me in grocery stores and posting on 4 Chan or to my DMs. People threatening to take action. People who know what I look like. But I don’t know what they look like under their anonymous internet cloak. It’s an interesting time to exist openly. We truly are on the brink of something wonderful or terrifying. All this to say, despite the chaos- I have great hope in what the near future holds. I believe that good will prevail. Peace and freedom will prevail. And I trust with all that I am that it will be ok. So for now, we keep doing these university and college talks, living fully in trust. It will all be ok. Even better- it will all be wonderful. You have something worth teaching too- what would it be? Something You loved, lived or survived? No answer too small! Thanks tacomacc for creating a completely secure and safe space for me to speak on identity, conflict resolution and LGBTQPIA+ rights. Your campus was gorgeous, students kind, and staff like Steve dr.davi_docious , Sabine, and Sonja were welcoming and protective. Can’t wait to return! #lgbtqia #conflictresolution #collegenews #exactly #positivenews

Posted by @raindovemodel on

26 Oct 2022

What’s an activity, sound, food, value, feeling etc that You still love from Your past even though You may not have had an easy time? Is there something You are proud of? A tradition or recipe or song You’ve carried on? A lot of people from economically, socially, or safety deprived backgrounds- we often feel the need to completely mock and discard all parts of our past because people from our past have discarded us. However, often we secretly still find comfort in it. Are we allowed to love parts of our past or cultures that haven’t loved us back? Are we obligated to hate ourselves out of it? For a long time I couldnt listen to country music. I made fun of it. It represented line dancing and pickup truck rides into environments where I knew my true identity wasn’t welcome at the time. However, recently I realized I still feel nostalgia for the good parts of the past with country music in it too. Sipping a cold drink after a day of splitting wood and soaking in the sun on a crisp autumn day. Or perched by the fire, fireflies dancing with the peeper frog grass, while people shared stories of their day. I’ve realized that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. That we can create new affiliations or definitions. That people and places can shift or change and that we don’t always accomplish that through words- sometimes it’s just through existence. Unwavering simplicity. Mutual appreciation for the human elements of life. If You find Yourself exhausted from “trying so hard to get them to get You” - take a break here. Everyone on this thread loves You. You don’t have to perform for Us or explain Yourself. Your existence is all that is needed. Ps: Not every rural environment is a bigoted one. Not every city is a safe haven. All people have the possibility to shift- but not all people can or will shift all people… because people must want to shift themselves. #asmr #genderfluid #lgbtqia #homestead #offgrid #storytime

Posted by @raindovemodel on

5 Oct 2022

Should this be legal? The world of marketing is well aware that gender based division in marketing language can be quite profitable. Especially when it comes to personal products. Often lending to a 22-45% increase in sales versus gender neutral language. That’s why- same exact product or not- companies companies feel incentivized and motivated to continue the division. Capitalism! Plus- it doesn’t help that most of us are trained and tricked into buying from the “aisle assigned to us”. Even if the same product might be a bit more expensive. And even though it causes 20-35% more waste- damaging the environment. Annnd even though the packaging reinforces antiquated gender based visuals. For me, I get bored of seeing this. I think we shouldn’t have gender on marketing at all. And that packaging should talk about the product, how it’s made and how it works. It should be up to the consumer if that product solves their needs and if they like it. We should be educated and educate ourselves on our own individual bodily needs, relationship to chemicals and oils, relationship to textures and colors. I know it may be a moment out for society as whole to think for itself and buy for itself in that way. However, until then- if You see a product labeled by gender check the other gendered aisle. Price compare. Don’t let them get away with this exploitation and division. And if You like them- buy gender neutral products to reward the company for making a great product for everyone. What do You think? Should this be legal? Does anyone have favorite companies that have no gender division? #socialexperiment #lgbtq #lovewins #weirdmemes #didyouknow ps sweatshirt from #lgbtqia bar in Toronto called sweatybettysbar

Posted by @raindovemodel on