News about Peter Vaughan

Is this farmer really sent to prison for destroying a riverbank?, April 23, 2023
Last week, John 'Pudge' Price (pictured left) was sentenced to a year in prison. Mr Price was found to have used heavy machinery, including bulldozers and excavators, without permission to dredge and re-profile a mile stretch of the Lugg (pictured after left), where it borders his property on Day House Farm in a case brought jointly by Natural England and the Environment Agency. In a self-driven effort to prevent the river from flooding his fields and nearby houses in times of heavy rainfall, the designer did not complete several environmental laws. The government said it had caused such harm to the riverbed and banks, that otters, kingfish, crayfish, salmon, and many other aquatic animals' habitats had been destroyed, as well as thousands of plants and trees, as a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest.