News about Olympia Dukakis

PATRICK MARMION on theatre: Forget Beattie on the phone, 'Rose' is Maureen Lipman in full bloom, June 2, 2023
PATRICK MARMION: Can it be that Maureen Lipman is still best known for BT phone ads 30 years ago?The ones where she glowed over a grandson who'd be studying an 'ology' at university? She has been far from idle since she was 77 years old. However, nothing has been as thrilling or riveting as Martin Sherman's one-person, two-hour performance about an 80-year-old Jewish refugee reliving her life in the 20th century, first seen at the National Theatre in 1999 starring Olympia Dukakis. Rose, who grew up in a 1920s revival in Eastern Ukraine, now plays the role. Her tale is a Biblical yarn in which she is an Ashkenazi Jewish everywoman mourning the Holocaust, exile, and longing for a homeland.