News about Nikolai Fraiture

Realtor Nikolai Fraiture, a Strokes bassist, is locked in a dispute over a Manhattan garden, May 20, 2023
Toby Dodd (bottom right), president of Cushfield and Wakeman, and his wife are locked in a legal conflict with Strokes bassist Nikolai Fraiture (top right). According to court documents, Dodd and his wife renovated 42 King Street (left) in Soho, New York, in 2017 and later purchased the garden at 44 King Street (right) as well as a ground floor room in the building for $300,000 from the previous owner. In 2019, Fratture and his partner, Ilona, purchased a ground-floor unit in 44 King Street and the basement and have since set their sights on the yard. Dodd believes the musician, whose band won a Grammy in 2021, is 'fixed' on the green space and is determined to make it his.