News about Milton Jones

Scientists say listeners who hear groan-inducing puns are actually GRATEFUL for the gags, December 3, 2022
The study at Northern Illinois University in the United States looked at nearly 300 individuals on their favourite style of jokes, both to give and receive, as well as requiring each respondent to take a personality quiz. It had hoped to find out if those who 'punished' their associates and loved ones with a groan-worthy play on words were 'everyday sadists.' Punitive pundits were not sadistic, and receivers were actually grateful, as puns were among the most common jokes to hear. Jimmy Carr (far right), Milton Jones (far left), or Tim Vine (centre) are all famous for their comedic one-liners. It's bad news for their US-based countryman and political pundit John Oliver, who once called them "not just the lowest form of wit but the lowest form of human behavior."