News about Mike Hardman

Look up! In the morning sky, a worm moon will appear in the full moon, March 6, 2023
At 7:40 a.m. ET, a full worm moon will be visible, shining brilliantly until Wednesday morning. The term derives from how the earth would thaw, allowing earthworms to appear. In 2020, the photo above depicts a complete worm moon as it appeared in New York City's morning sky. Spring is coming to an end, and the length of sunlight continues to lengthen - it should not get dark until 6:07 p.m. ET on Tuesday.

Because it is at the furthest point from Earth, a wolf micromoon will rise tonight that is smaller, January 6, 2023
Since it is at its furthest distance from Earth, the moon will appear like a dot in the night sky. Skygazers will want to view the moon at its fullest at 6 p.m. ET tonight to see the moon at its fullest. Micromoons are about 7 percent smaller than the average, while supermoons are around seven percent larger. The word 'wolf' comes from how wolves were heard howling outside of the villages amid the deep and dense snows of winter. A micromoon photo is displayed on a wall in London in 2020.