News about Michael Levine

As a bungling doctor punctured her intestines, bladder, and liver with a cannula, a Tennessee mother of five dies after receiving an illegal Brazilian butt lift at a cosmetics center named 'Seduction'. A cannula is a registered family, March 7, 2024
Erica Russell, 33, died on June 16, 2021, after Dr. John Sampson punctured her intestines, bladder, liver, and abdominal wall during a Brazilian butt lift surgery. Sampson and Seduction Cosmetic Center in Coral Gables, Florida, was sued by her family on wrongful death charges. Russell died as a result of a fatal heart arrest after a fat deposit blocked her bloodstream and led to her death.' What happened to Ms. Russell should never have happened.' Attorney Michael Levine said, "this is assembly line medicine, and that's what killed her."