News about Michael Hughes

According to the CDC, cases of deadly flesh-eating bacteria linked to climate change have doUBLED in a year, and Americans in their 30s are killing Americans in their 30s, February 1, 2024
According to health authorities, increasing numbers of Americans are being infected with a deadly flesh-eating bacteria that lurks in seawater and estuaries. According to recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vibrio vulnificus, which reproduces in warm temperatures, is infecting twice as many East Coasters as opposed to 2022. According to scientists, the rise in prevalance in the United States is due to gradually rising water temperatures, which are a result of climate change. The gruesome bug penetrates the body by cut and grazes on the skin and begins to eat human flesh within 24-hours. The disease can cause necrosis - tissue death - and deadly blood infection septicemia without treatment. According to statistics, one in every three infections is lethal.

Prisoners must be paid back by the California reparations commission, according to a lawsuit in California, January 31, 2023
In addition to ensuring that current prisoners receive compensation and be eligible to vote, California's unpopular reparations committee is pushing for the state legislature to close ten prisons. It was previously reported that the committee was seeking to pass legislation establishing a wealth tax, mansion levy, and/or a property levy in order to fund the billion dollar reparations. The panel preliminary accepted a request that ten prisons be shuddered while debating what should be done with the sites at their San Diego meeting this weekend. Serial killers and lifelong gang members are among the country's most notorious prisoners, including serial killers and lifelong criminals.