Macaulay Culkin Instagram

Macaulay 'Instagram' Culkin

IG ID: #1362414421
IG Username: @culkamania


1.54M followers, 33 Following

8 Oct 2020

Hey dorks, You’re probably asking yourself a lot of questions about this picture. 1. Is that a cat farting rainbows on your cabinet? 2. Is that a picture of your girlfriend where your face should be on that Pagemaster poster? 3. Is that a tarantula in your aquarium? The answer to those are: 1. Yes. I did it myself. 2. Yup. She’s only okay with it. 3. Of course not, tarantulas don’t live in aquariums, they live in terrariums, dumbass. But what you really should be looking at is They’re a platform that brings you performances from tons of cool bands and artists, like JDbeckmusic Kimbramusic emonight_bk toomanyzooz chkchkchk_og therealgza sunflowerbean Chrisgeth kevinpdevine sonlittlemusic domi_keys cultscultscults and a whole bunch more. LPR is a small, independent venue based out of NYC that is close to my heart. It’s a place that always has great bands, drinks, and art all year ‘round. But like many small businesses they’ve been hit hard by our current times and are doing what they can to bring you awesome content despite our current climate. This isn’t a paid advertisement or anything, I just love this place, these people, and what they do and they were dumb enough to give me a promo code. So go to and use the promo code CULKIN and get 25% off (!!!) the subscription fee and check out some great shows without have to wear pants. Heck, I might even do a show myself. You never know. Live the dream. lprnyc btab1 davidhandlermusic

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