News about Liu Yan

Retired NYPD cop convicted of stalking a family in New Jersey on behalf of the Chinese government, June 20, 2023
Michael McMahon, (left) and Zheng Congying (bottom right) were found guilty of stalking and a related conspiracy charge in Brooklyn Federal Court. Yong and McMahon were found guilty of acting as unregistered foreign agents, and Zhu was found guilty of a second conspiracy charge. Xu Jin, a former Chinese government official who moved to the United States more than a decade ago, was reportedly involved in the government's plot.

Operation Fox Hunt trial: Retired NYPD sergeant helped Chinese spies stalk and threaten dissidents, May 31, 2023
Michael McMahon, alongside Yong Zhu and Congying Zhen, are charged with Chinese agents in New York City to track down dissidents who had fled and coerced them into returning. With opening statements from US federal prosecutors, the trial began today. Since being fired by the Chinese government to track down victim Xu Jin and threaten him, McMahon became a private investigator.