News about Lesley Ann Warren

In a Remake of the Cult Classic "Clue," Ryan Reynolds appears, August 25, 2022
He was first Detective Pikachu, and now he's playing a role in a historic murder mystery. On Aug. 23, Ryan Reynolds is expected to write a new book on "Clue," and Deadline announced the project has a new writer, Oren Uziel. Uziel was most recently a cowriter on Sandra Bullock's "The Lost City." Of course, "Clue" is based on the fan-favourite whodunnit board game, but the game has also inspired an iconic, cult classic film that was released in 1985. Mrs. Peacock, Madeline Kahn as Mrs. White, Christopher Lloyd as Professor Plum, Michael McKean as Professor Plum, Miss Scarlet, and Tim Curry as Wadsworth the butler. The film also has three different endings in order to mimic the chaos of the board game. It was not a box-office smash, but it has become extremely popular in the 37 years that it has existed.