Lena Dunham Instagram

Lena Dunham

IG ID: #13875723
IG Username: @lenadunham

Website: linktr.ee

3.07M followers, 1,223 Following

14 Oct 2022

No matter how much time I spend in LA- sometimes days, sometimes years- I always get a case of the Calis. They’re not bad- they’re not exactly good either. They just are. Something about the preponderance of fine weather and healthy food options and people exercising with full faces of makeup highlights the very aspects of life I find the hardest- namely, the life of the body and not the mind. I look around and wonder how everyone is doing it, and why I’ve never been able to (unless I’m in the very lucky position of being dressed and painted and even then I am begging for tacos and lying down a lot.) Growing up in New York, I felt at home amongst the rushed and anxious, coffee spilled down chests, smoky men wheezing their way onto the subway and women with hair askew settling into two seats- one for them and one for their exploding briefcase. It’s why I love film sets too. The challenge it takes to get anywhere, to get anything done, the thick mist of stress levels the playing field- it’s hard enough for all of us to be people and we put every ounce of what we’re capable of into our work. LA contains multitudes (let’s just say I’ve had some weeeird nights out in this town, some east side LED light classics) and no place with this many people is a monolith, but what the LA I’ve inhabited wants you to see is ease- messy buns that aren’t messy at all, sweat-wicking leggings and superfood smoothies in reusable mugs and striding into the salon ten minutes early. But when you spend time here living and working, there really is that unexplicable magic you hear so much about. I remind myself that LA is many things, and one of those things is a haven for people who love movies, a place we go to try and live the life we fantasized about as kids sitting too close to the TV. And that can sometimes bring darkness but its essence is light. So thank you this time, LA, for letting me come and talk about my childhood dream #CatherineCalledBirdyMovie which is streaming now on Amazon primevideo. And thank you puppetsandpuppets for the Shelley Duvall Fairytale Theater weird-girl looks of my dreams. I tried not to spill coffee on them. But I did. Because I’m from New York.

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