Lee Chong Wei Instagram

Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei

IG ID: #1316593786
IG Username: @leechongweiofficial

1.24M followers, 652 Following

19 Nov 2022

I have done my part. U? 🇲🇾 #pru15 #ge15

Posted by @leechongweiofficial on

10 Nov 2022

A couple of weeks ago, I went back Penang to bring my mum back for some wedding dinner. Stayed over my old place a couple of night. My old room is now quite untidy and dusty. Understandable. No one has been occupying it. Took a deep breath and started to tidy it up. "Ah Wei, do you still want this old mooncake box ! Don't want I throw it away ", shouted my mum. That familiar voice... familiar shiut. Since 40 years ago… never changed. God, don't let it change. She handed me the box. It was dusty. I blew the dust off. I already forgotten what did I had inside. I smiled when I saw it's all the stuff I deemed personal during my form 5. Those Hong Kong superstars glittering cards... lol. Vivian Chow, Sammi Cheng, Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok…the ones I collected and exchanged with my friends at that time. Those badminton superstar posters I collected from badminton courts. I had the Sidek brothers... a lot. My old Alien Workshop wallet. Lol. My old report card. Super lol. Don't ask me about the results. Then I saw a diary. I couldn't remember what it was for. So I started flipping it. It was actually a book that capture notes my friends at the end of a badminton camp I joined. They had to to put in the date of birth, address , contact number and message for me. I noticed all are my guys friends in the book. Sigh. I should be quite unpopular in the past. Then at the very end, I noticed a familiar handwriting . It was Mew Choo's !!! Now I recalled it was our first meet up at a badminton event too. Her written simple msg to me “I'm lucky to know you. And you have a cute McDonald hairstyle. Thank you.” I remember now I locked my eyes on her ever since. And it's Aaron Kwok ! Not McDonald ! And.." No , dearie. I'm the one lucky to know you. " "Happy 10th Anniversary." wong_mew_choo 一眨眼十年就过去了,谢谢你一直以来的宽容理解善解人意,和无微不至的照顾和呵护这个家,就算怀孕期也不少为我们的家操心,谢谢你,辛苦了! 今天下午大肚便便的你看我的眼神,和一次遇见你的那个下午的一样,那么的清澈深邃迷人,等到哪天我们白了头,你在我心中依然和当初一样那么可爱。十周年,想跟你说的话和当初结婚时说的还是一样:未来50年继续辛苦你了,黄妙珠,我爱你。❤️🌹

Posted by @leechongweiofficial on

30 Oct 2022

Congrats to our princesses __pearlytan and thinaah_m U both did us proud. Reallly proud. Pearly with her attacking prowess and Thinaah with her defensive strokes and cross court net shots; these two princesses did us real proud by being the FIRST French open women's double champion. Personally I think they can go far, further than most. Continue to be humble and train hard, the sky is the limit. Both of them are humble players always seeking advices from seniors like me. So I'm so happy they managed this feat especially they fought the best Indonesian, Korean and Japanese pairs to the title. Side note : Sungguhpun I suka makan coklat, aku tak pernah sebut begitu dekat dekat kawan kawan Kita. I know u don't mean harm, but as we are being professional; it's pivotal all coaches and players know their boundaries. Side note 2 : Td Semasa game Aku : "wow Thinaah ni memang bagus defend. Macam papan. " Kingston : "ya . Kak Thinaah ni power" Lcw : “ya, si Pearly ni smash power, lompat cam katak !” Kingston : “Katak x baik , papa .... kena kata pearly lompat cam kangaroo . Jgn guna katak, papa... “ Budak ni..... 打败两支印尼组合、一支韩国组合、两支日本的世界冠军,很不简单呐,知道你们训练辛苦,这个冠军你们值得拥有,这也是好的开始,希望你们拿了这个含金量超高的金牌后,可以吸收更多的经验,为你们感到骄傲🇲🇾 #demimalaysia

Posted by @leechongweiofficial on