News about Leah Lewis

Has Pixar lost its spark? Elemental is a product of the British Virgin Viner, July 7, 2023
VINER OF BRITAIN: Elemental is preceded by a short film about an elderly widower and his dog, which I found suspiciously twee, while the film itself follows the current Pixar trend of almost-but-not-quite. The four elements are anthropomorphized, fire, water, earth, and air, and they all have a futuristic conurbation called Element City. In fact, Earth and air get a lot of a look-in. Fire and water are central to the tale, focusing on a family of fire people who live in a suburb of Element City and speaking Fire-ish.

Watch the Stars of "Elemental" Play Pixar Pictionary — and Find Each Movie's Deeper Meaning, June 20, 2023
If you're a fan of Pixar, you'll know that the classic animated films often address topics that are deeper than what the eye can see. "Inside Out" explores mental stability, for example; "Ratatouille" is about following your dreams, no matter where you come from. And Disney and Pixar's new film, "Elemental," opened in theaters on June 16th. Ember, a girl made of fire who lives in Element City, is one of the four elements of "elemental" follows Ember, a girl made of fire who lives in Element City, which is populated by various people made of the four elements. When she meets Wade, a woman made of water, passion ensues, but not without obstacles (as you might imagine). So what's the biggest theme here? It's that love conquers all, according to Mamoudou Athie, who plays Ember. Leah Lewis, a character on Ember, confirms.

Fire and water have clashed in a new Pixar film, as the emotional trailer proves opposites attracts, November 17, 2022
The trailer for Pixar's forthcoming animated film Elemental was released, and it's clear that opposites attract. The minute-and-a-half clip ended with Ember Lumen (voiced by Leah Lewis) and Wade Ripple (Mamoudou Athie) having a very sweet meet-cute. Ember is the element of fire, and Wade is the element of water, if the names weren't clear enough. According to a press release from the film, the film takes place in fictional Element City, where fire-, water-, land-, and air-residents live together.'