News about Laurence Tribe

Despite being born in the United States, Trump's vehement 'birther' slur against Haley is revealed in a tweet that Nikki is ineligible to run for president because she is the daughter of Indian migrants, January 10, 2024
Donald Trump debunks a new 'birther' lie on social media on Tuesday, saying that Nikki Haley was ineligible to run for president because her parents were not non-U.S. citizens when she was born. According to the United States Constitution, only those born in the United States are eligible for the presidency, but it does not mention the parents' immigrant status. Paul Ingrassia, a law clerk who graduated from law school in 2022 and describes himself on X as a 'constitutional scholar,' made the assertion.' Ingrassia's accusation was nonsense, according to Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor who emeritus, and it was absurd that Trump praised it. I can't imagine what Trump hopes to gain from those allegations unless it's to play the race card against the former governor and UN ambassador as a woman of color - and to draw on the rich veins of anti-immigrant mistrust by reminding everyone that Haley's parents weren't residents when she was born in the United States.'

REVEALED: The four Colorado justices who booted Trump off the ballot - Ivy League scholars, a gay icon and a jazz musician - as legal experts warn they've lit a fuse under American democracy, December 20, 2023
In a 4-3 decision by Democratic-appointed justices, Colorado's high court found that the ex-president and 2024 candidate isn't eligible for the presidency. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the former president had breached the 14th Amendment's insurrectionist clause for his omission in January 6. Following the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was accepted, but it does not prohibit officials from seeking future office unless they have 'engaged in rebellion.'

What the Colorado decision means for Trump: The Supreme Court's decision would determine what the final decision will be made, December 20, 2023
The long-shot legal theory has invoked Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits those who participated in 'insurrection or rebellion' from holding office. Although the decision seems to have stymied the former president's reelection aspirations, it would not be surprising that the Supreme Court decision would do more to actually hinder the Republican nominee.