News about Laurence Harvey

Our example is for the growing old disgracefully!, February 19, 2023
Sandra Howard, 82, Paulene Stone, 81, and Dorothy Bond, 77, all spent more than $70,000 on the Swing Sixties than on trees or chandeliers. The three teens (right) were one of the most in-demand models of their generation, with cover stars for publications such as Vogue and Tatler. They became close friends, influencing photographers from around the globe on glamorous photoshoots. Their lives took in triumphs and tragedies along the way, but they never stalled again, eventually. 'I'd rather age disgracefully,' Paulene, the group's minx, says. 'I'm actually surprised that I'm ageing.' I tell everyone that I'm 58. My feeling is that if you dwell on your age, you begin to feel it.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: We've arrived at a Remainers-staged palace coup, October 20, 2022
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Fizzie Lizzie may have been the na've nave architect of her own spectacular demise from grace. However, at least she attempted to keep the promises she made during her triumphant leadership campaign, but she failed to do so, albeit clumsily. And before she rashly played into their hands, it's now clear that the hardcore Remainers in her own party are not going to let that happen. Shapps, the ex-British poster boy, was vehemently protesting at the Tory conference against any decrease in the top rate of tax. At the time, I wondered if he was even in the Conservative Party, since he would be equally at home in Labour or the Lib Dems.