News about Karan Singh

Revealed: The roads which bring town halls £1million a year in motoring fines, including one street that rakes in £10,000 A DAY from drivers straying into the bus lane, August 20, 2023
It's reported today that eighteen local councils have streets that rake in more than £1.2 million per year in motoring fines. Drivers in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Brighton, Brighton, and Bristol are making thousands of pounds a day from drivers who often mistakenly step into bus lanes or take the wrong turn. 43,108 penalty notices were issued in south-east London for breaking the traffic laws in Dulwich Village, totaling £2.9 million in fines. And the Bull Ring's Moor Street project gave motorists 65,755 fines for operating in a bus lane, up to almost £10,000 per day. About £1.7 million in charges, a bus lane in Oxford Street, Manchester, was accumulated.

In just two weeks, a London driver raged at receiving SEVEN £130 penalty charges, October 28, 2022
After being 'trapped' while taking two of his children to school, software programmer Karan Singh (left) faced with having to pay £910 if he opposed the fines and lost his appeals. Mr Singh, 36, of Catford, South London, slammed Lewisham Council for slapping him with the fines, which arrived on his doorstep 'in a bundle.' He said he had notices of fines on the same day, and the seven offences ranged from September 5th to the 26th. "I am so angry," he said. I feel like I have been trapped, and the fact that there is no obvious sign that you can't travel up the hill in the direction you came from is worrying. You can drive down the hill but not back up.' It is not clear at all. I eventually saw a sign advising of a camera, but it was bent backwards (inset top) and around a post, so it seemed as if it was no longer being followed.' In Lewisham, the contested street is Dermody Road (right), which was the subject of new legislation introduced in 2020.