News about Julian Wilson

According to the Horizon scandal probe, a Post Office investigator who behaved like a Mafia gangster' was accused of "disgusting conduct" and having a "unbearable attitude" as he interviewed sub-postmasters about allegations of stealing, January 11, 2024
Stephen Bradshaw has been employed at the Post Office since 1978 and was involved in the federal investigation into nine subordinates, including Lisa Brennan, a former counter clerk at a Huyton post office near Liverpool. Mr Bradshaw's suspects testifying spoke of his 'confrontational' demeanor and 'unbearable' attitude, according to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. When waiting for a meeting before having to use a'very small parcel lift,' a wheelchair user said she was refused a chair because she couldn't scale the stairs.

According to a post office investigator, he was never warned of problems with defective Horizon software and is not 'technically minded,' although he denies behaving like a 'Mafia gangster' trying to obtain 'bounty' from sub-postmasters with 'thinty' from sub-postmasters with 'threads and lies', January 11, 2024
Stephen Bradshaw has been employed at the Post Office since 1978 and was involved in the criminal investigation into nine subordinates, including Lisa Brennan, a former counter clerk at a post office in Huyton, who was falsely accused of stealing £3,000 in 2003. Mr Bradshaw, who appeared as a witness to the Horizon IT probe this morning, said he was not "scientically minded" and was not equipped to know whether there were bugs or errors in the Horizon accounting software.

Despite dodgy convictions igniting controversy, the Post Office's fraud team received BONUSES for each postmaster they jailed: investigators, including a man who described Horizon victims as 'crooks,' received thousands of pounds and have KEPT the money, January 11, 2024
Gary Thomas, a long-serving employee, told the Post Office Horizon inquiry that an incentive program containing 'bonus goals' had influenced his behavior as an investigator. The security team soldier said in an email exchange with a colleague when he was the lead investigator in the case of posthumously cleared postmaster Julian Wilson, that he wanted to show that there was no "Case for the Justice of Thieving Subposters." In 2008, Mr Wilson was found guilty of stealing £27,000 at his Post Office in Astwood Bank, Worcestershire. In 2016, he died of bowl cancer at the age of 67, but he didn't live long enough to see his name cleared. In 2021, his conviction was reversed five years later. Karen, his widow, has since said that her husband had discussed suicide and that the anxiety triggered by the Horizon IT scandal may have contributed to his early death. It comes as Post Office victim Alan Bates has reported that the legal battle for those who are seeking compensation for the Horizon affair will continue.

RUTH SUNDERLAND: The Post Office controversies are in a league of its own. Will the bosses be held accountable?, January 3, 2024
ANY miscarriage of justice will result in a high price. Innocent people are ripped apart, marriages are dissolving, finances are lost, and reputations are pulled through the gutter. Every single instance of a single case is a stain on society. The Post Office scandal, in terms of sheer inhumanity and corporate bullying, is in a league of its own. No one reading this article, no one who watched this week's riveting ITV drama, Mr Bates Vs. The Post Office, may not have expressed a sympathetic expression on behalf of the victims. I have followed the Post Office affair closely and have written about it many times, and it doesn't surprise me that viewers took to social media to reveal their emophobic reactions after viewing the drama.