News about Jon Pertwee

Prince Philip, Profumo and the art work mystery said to link the Duke of Edinburgh to the most notorious sex scandal ever to rock a British government, March 17, 2024
Was art expert Blunt on a mission to protect senior members of the Royal Family from association with the immoral earnings of goodtime girls Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies was gripping the post-war public?Was he attempting to save the reputation of Prince Philip and erase any public sign of a louche, party-going lifestyle more suited to a dissolute bachelor than the prince consort of a Queen? The Palace has long denied any involvement in the events of the weekend, but rumors and mystery persist. Philip had been in touch with Ward on several occasions, and he had even been sketched by the artist at Buckingham Palace. Now, this and other drawings had quickly disappeared due to the mystery purchaser.

Richard Franklin, a doctor Who and Emmerdale actor, died 'fully in his sleep' on Christmas Day at the age of 87, December 25, 2023
On Christmas Day morning, the actor, who is best known for his appearances in Doctor Who and Emmerdale, died 'completely in his sleep.' Richard's death was announced on Richard's social media page by Rudden, who posted the sad news on behalf of his family. In Doctor Who from 1971 to 1974, when Jon Pertwee assumed the leading role of the Time Lord, the actor was best known for portraying Captain Mike Yates of UNIT.