News about Jerome Kern

The Queen and Prince Philip: Last chapter in the most romantic royal love story, September 9, 2022
The last years were not how they were supposed to be, so much different from the one that the queen had envisioned, but not so much less. If Philip, she accepted, will go before her (pictured left after their engagement is announced and right in 2003). She'll have to cope, and she'll do well when he died just two months before his 100th birthday. And if the haunting portrait of the Queen, which was unveiled, frail, and so alone at Philip's Windsor Castle funeral only told part of the story. For she still had a lot of energy. And how she would use them. However, she did not anticipate the calamity that would envelop the family and make it a talking point, which she found disconcerting and troubling. Without Philip, both public and private, the celebrations would never be the same. He is always the focus of entertainment, as well as being revered for his wisdom and common sense. How she wished for him to have been with her during the Prince Harry saga.