Isabel Lucas Instagram

Isabel Lucas

IG ID: #1208537173
IG Username: @isabellucas


217.4k followers, 2,217 Following

6 Aug 2022

Somewhere in Basque Country, weaving friendships made of gold.

Posted by @isabellucas on

15 Jul 2022

Who else has read Braiding Sweetgrass? I’m in love with Robin Wall Kimmerer’s words and listening to her warm caramel voice on audio book. She has an exquisite gift of weaving indigenous wisdoms, scientific and personal insights into a poetry of words. • “Native scholar Greg Cajete has written that in indigenous ways of knowing, we understand a thing only when we understand it with all four aspects of our being: mind, body, emotion, and spirit. I came to understand quite sharply when I began my training as a scientist that science privileges only one, possibly two, of those ways of knowing: mind and body. As a young person wanting to know everything about plants, I did not question this. But it is a whole human being who finds the beautiful path.” • “The mycorrhizae may form fungal bridges between individual trees, so that all the trees in a forest are connected. These fungal networks appear to redistribute the wealth of carbohydrates from tree to tree. A kind of Robin Hood, they take from the rich and give to the poor so that all the trees arrive at the same carbon surplus at the same time. They weave a web of reciprocity, of giving and taking. In this way, the trees all act as one because the fungi have connected them. Through unity, survival. All flourishing is mutual. Soil, fungus, tree, squirrel, boy—all are the beneficiaries of reciprocity.” • #BraidingSweetgrass #Indigenous #Wisdom #Scientific #Knowledge and the #TeachingsofPlants •

Posted by @isabellucas on

12 Jul 2022

Aujourd'hui je choisis la vie. La vie est bellė. • • •

Posted by @isabellucas on