Indya Moore Instagram


IG ID: #1809257283
IG Username: @indyamoore

1.66M followers, 1,339 Following

20 Jul 2022

Kiskeyano kisses & 2 spirit dreams

Posted by @indyamoore on

19 Jul 2022

We’ve become like an autoimmune malfunction. A condition in which the body essentially attacks itself by failure to identify itself from an invasive infection. Or like a cell that has forgotten it’s native identity, & mutates against itself, & multiplies endlessly- with the goal of only consuming nutrients from the surrounding healthy cells, like a cancer. There’s a line between parasitic infection & probiotic symbiosis. The parasite doesn’t care if the host survives. But The symbiotic sees itself & it’s survival as a intrinsically connected part of a larger body & vice versa. Earth, is experiencing a fever, like never before, desperately fighting the infection, of our destructive individualistic behavior. Many powerful are distracted by this sacrificial, spiritless, foolish self destructive drunken fight for terf & domination it seems natural. But its the manifestation of our separation from nature. Perhaps an infection is what we have become, as we destroy ourselves, ourselves including not just humans, but ourselves including our spiritual connection, plants, trees and other animals the soil, the mycelium. This is the manifestation of life lived unconscious of matter. If we continue to live, as though nothing matters, nothing will in the end because there will be nothing left to matter. We’ve tricked ourselves with wealth, psychointelligence & competition to a selfish, individualistic path of infinite destruction. The more we continue to entertain false competition, kill, & bicker over trivial race, sexuality, gender & body politics the more we will lessen our collective likelihood for survival, & the more nature will fight back in unforeseen ways. It feels like these pandemics are the immuno response of earth. There’s one path forward, it’s more obvious to me each day: compassion, forgiveness, harmony gentleness, end of war on body & land possession- nurturing the earth, because when we nurture the earth we nurture ourselves & each other. The existential experience of all life, must be respected, & nourished now more than ever. the more this truth is received like a boring fantasy the more realistic our doom will become.

Posted by @indyamoore on

18 Jul 2022

I wish that it was safe enough in this world to travel alone. 🎈

Posted by @indyamoore on