Ilya Ehrenburg


Ilya Ehrenburg was born in Kiev, Ukraine on January 27th, 1891 and is the Journalist. At the age of 76, Ilya Ehrenburg biography, profession, age, height, weight, eye color, hair color, build, measurements, education, career, dating/affair, family, news updates, and networth are available.

Date of Birth
January 27, 1891
Place of Birth
Kiev, Ukraine
Death Date
Aug 31, 1967 (age 76)
Zodiac Sign
Children's Writer, Journalist, Novelist, Poet, Politician, Screenwriter, Translator, Writer
Ilya Ehrenburg Height, Weight, Eye Color and Hair Color

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Ilya Ehrenburg Life

Ilya Grigoryevich Ehrenburg (O.S.) was born on January 27. [1891] – 31 August 1967 (Bolshevik pioneer, writer, and historian, born on January 15, 1891 to 1967. Ehrenburg is one of the Soviet Union's most influential and influential writers; he has published about one hundred books.

He rose to prominence as a novelist and a journalist in three wars (First World War, Spanish Civil War, and the Second World War).

His books on the Second World War have sparked controversies in West Germany, particularly during the sixties. The novel The Thaw refers to an entire period of Soviet politics, particularly the liberation after Joseph Stalin's death.

Ehrenburg's travel writing had a lot of resonance, as had his book People, Years, Life, which may have been his most well-known and discussed work.

The Black Book, edited by him and Vassily Grossman, has a special historical significance, as it details the Holocaust against Soviet citizens of Jewish originstry by the Nazis.

In addition, Ehrenburg wrote a series of poems.

Life and work

Ilya Ehrenburg was born in Kiev, Russian Empire, to a Lithuanian-Jewish family; his father was an engineer. Ehrenburg's family was not religiously affiliated; he came into contact with Judaism only through his maternal grandfather. Ehrenburg has never belonged to any religious denomination. Although he edited the Black Book, which was written in Yiddish, he learned no Yiddish. He regarded himself Russian and later, a Soviet civilian, but Yad Vashem, Israel's Yad Vashem, retained all of his papers. He had a slew of antisemitism in the media. And during his many years abroad, he wrote in Russian.

When Ehrenburg was four years old, the family moved to Moscow, where his father was recruited as director of a brewery. Nikolai Bukharin, who was two years older than him, was a student at a university. The two remained friends until Bukharin's death in 1938 during the Great Purge.

Both Ehrenburg and Bukharin became involved in the Bolshevik organisation's illicit activities in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1905. The tsarist clandestine police (Okhrana) arrested Ehrenburg for five months in 1908. He was beaten up and lost some teeth, and he had to be beaten up. He was eventually allowed to travel and chose Paris for his exile.

He began to work in the Bolshevik company in Paris, meeting Vladimir Lenin and other notable exiles. But after a few months, he and the party split, and he left these circles and the group. Ehrenburg was attracted to Montparnasse's bohemian life. He began writing poems, regularly visited Montparnasse's cafés, and became acquainted with a number of artists, particularly Pablo Picasso, Diego Rivera, Jules Pascin, and Amedeo Modigliani. Francis Jammes was one of the foreign writers whose works Ehrenburg translated.

Ehrenburg became a war correspondent for a St. Petersburg newspaper during World War I. He wrote a series of articles about the mechanized war that were later released as a book (The Face of War). As in On the Eve, his third lyrical book, his poetry shifted to war and destruction. Nikolai Gumilev, a well-known symbolist poet, wrote favorably about Ehrenburg's poetry progress.

Ehrenburg returned to Russia in 1917, after the 1917 revolution. He used to condemn the Bolshevik program at the time, being shocked by the constant threat of violence. He wrote "Prayer for Russia," a poem that likened the Storming of the Winter Palace to rape. Ehrenburg's journey to Kiev in 1920 brought him four different regimes over a year: the Germans, the Cossacks, the Bolsheviks, and the White Army. He escaped to Kobebel on the Crimea peninsula, where his old friend, Maximilian Voloshin, had a house after antisemitic pogroms. Ehrenburg then returned to Moscow, where he was detained by the Cheka later in the day but released after a short period.

He spent time in Europe as a writer and activist. He wrote avant-garde picaresque novels and short stories in the 1920s, many in Western Europe (The Extraordinary Adventures of Julio Jurenito (1922, Thirteen Pipes). Ehrenburg continued to write philosophical poetry, using more freed rhythms than in the 1910s. The Life of the Automobile, a communist version of the it-narrative style, was released in 1929.

Ehrenburg was often invited by Stalin to visit Europe and campaign for peace and socialism as a friend of many of the European Left. He arrived in Spain in late August 1936 as an Izvestia correspondent and was involved in propaganda and military service as well as reporting. He attended the Second International Writers' Congress in Valencia, Barcelona, and Madrid in 1937, the aim of which was to explore intellectual attitudes to the conflict.

Ehrenburg was given a column in Krasna zvezda (the Red Army newspaper), just days after the Soviet Union's German invasion of the Soviet Union. During the war, he published more than 2,000 articles in Soviet newspapers. He saw the Great Patriotic War as a tumultuous war between good and evil. Soldiers from the Red Army, who were moral and life-affirming, confronted a dehumanized German adversary in his articles. Ehrenburg, who was working with the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, began gathering information for what would become The Black Book of Soviet Jewry, which would describe the Holocaust. Ehrenburg wrote in Pravda, December 1944, that the Germans' biggest crime was the murder of six million Jews.

Among front-line Soviet soldiers who gave him a lot of fan mail, his incendiary papers calling for revenge against the German enemy earned him a large following. He is one of many Soviet writers, as well as Konstantin Simonov and Alexey Surkov, who have been accused by several writers of "lending" their literary skills to the Nazi campaign against Germans. Ehrenburg "agitated in the style of Nazi national ideology," according to Austrian historian Arnold Suppan, who wrote: "I am a student of the Imperial Republic of Germany."

During the Battle of Stalingrad, this pamphlet, titled "Kill," was written. Ehrenburg accompanied the Soviet forces in the East Prussian Offensive and condemned the indiscriminate violence against German civilians, which Stalin reprimanded. During the Soviet invasion of Germany in 1945, however, his words were later interpreted as permission for atrocities against German civilians. Joseph Goebbels, a Nazi propaganda minister, accused Ehrenburg of promoting sex for German women. Ehrenburg denied this, though historian Antony Beevor suspects it of being a Nazi ruse. Adolf Hitler said in January 1945 that "Stalin's court lackey, Ilya Ehrenburg, declares that the German people must be exterminated." Ehrenburg denied Georgy Aleksandrov's comments in Pravda in April 1945 that he never intended wiping out the German people, but only Nazis who came to our shore with weapons because "we are not Nazis" who fight with civilians. Ehrenburg fell into disgrace at the time, and it is estimated that Aleksandrov's book was a sign of change in Stalin's German policy.

Ehrenburg wrote in Pravda on September 21, 1948, at the behest of Politburo members Lazar Kaganovich and Georgi Malenkov's, describing Stalin's complete political break with Israel, which he had been encouraging through massive shipments of Czech arms. Hundreds of Jews became victims of Israel's so-called anti-cosmopolitan movement after a break with Israel. Solomon Mikhoels, the founding member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, was assassinated, and a number of Soviet Jewish intellectuals were arrested or executed.

The name of Ilya Ehrenburg was high on a list sent to Stalin by police chief Viktor Abakumov of people selected for detention. When speaking with French writer André Malraux in Spain in 1937, he was accused of'made threats against Comrade Stalin'. Though Stalin accepted the deposition of most of the names on the list, he did put a question mark next to Ehrenburg's. To mask the anti-semitic movement at home, it appears that he was allowed to continue publishing and traveling abroad to make it seem as if he was supposed to continue publishing and traveling overseas. During a press conference in London in 1950, attended by more than 200 journalists, he wondered about the fate of writers David Bergelson and Itzik Feffer and said, "I would have known" knowing that they were both under arrest. He was accused of informing on his comrades, but there is no evidence to back up this claim. He refused to denounce the deceptive Doctors' Plot in February 1953 and wrote a letter to Stalin condemning collective punishment of Jews.

Ehrenburg published The Thaw, a novel that tested the limits of censorship in the post-Stalin Soviet Union in 1954. It depicted a corrupt and despotic factory boss, a "little Stalin," as it told the tale of his wife, who is increasingly dissatisfied with him, as well as his views. The spring thaw in the novel depicts a period of transition in the characters' emotional lives, and when the wife's husband leaves her husband, it coincides with the melting of the snow. The book can therefore be seen as a representation of the thaw and the writer's increased liberty after Stalin's 'frozen' political period. In August 1954, Konstantin Simonov attacked The Thaw in an article published in Literaturna gazeta, arguing that such writings are too dark and do not represent the Soviet state. The Khrushchev Thaw was the author of the book. Ehrenburg won the Stalin Peace Prize in 1952, right before releasing the book.

Ehrenburg is best known for his memoirs (People, Years, Life in Russian), which published Memoirs: 1921-1941 in English), which contain numerous portraits of note for literary historians and biographers. Ehrenburg was the first legal Soviet author to mention explicitly a number of names banned under Stalin, including one of Marina Tsvetaeva. At the same time, he disapproved of the Russian and Soviet intellectuals who had explicitly opposed Communism or defected to the West. Boris Pasternak, the author of Doctor Zhivago, was also chastised for not being able to follow history.

Ehrenburg's memoirs were criticized by the more conservative group of Soviet writers, who argued for his publication Oktyabr. For example, when the memoirs were published, Vsevolod Kochetov discussed writers who are "burrowing in the garbage heaps of their crackpot memories." Vladimir Yermilov, a writer who wrote a long article in Izvestia in January 1963, in which he questioned Ehrenburg's admission that innocent people were detained in 1937 and 1938 but 'gritted his teeth' in silence. Ehrenburg had been in a position of privilege in those years, but said nothing had been said when some, who were less fortunate, had spoken out when they suspected an innocent person had been arrested. Ehrenburg denied that he had never attended a single meeting nor read a single article in which no one had protested about the detentions, although Ermilov accused him of insulting a "whole generation of Soviets."

The work, on the modern reader, nonetheless, appears to have a distinctively Marxist-Leninist ideological odor typical to a Soviet-era official writer.

He was also involved in publishing Osip Mandelstam's books when the former had been posthumously revived but censorship was still very difficult. Ehrenburg remained active as a poet until his days, portraying World War II in Europe, the Holocaust, and Russian intellectuals' destinations.

Ehrenburg died of prostate and bladder cancer in 1967, and his gravestone in Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, where a copy of his portrait drawn by his friend Pablo Picasso is on display.
