News about Gates McFadden

Picard's Son Dr. Beverly Crusher's son is rescued by Jean-Luc Picard, who may be his son, February 24, 2023
On the second episode of Star Trek: Picard season three, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is put in a strange situation as he attempts to save the life of Dr. Beverly Crusher's son Jack while still wondering if Jack is really his son. The episode begins two weeks before the season premiere last week to reveal what had happened to the doctor (Gates McFadden), who had previously sent out a distress alert to Picard. Jack (Ed Speleers), a group of security forces salutes the ship, but they inform them that the ship is here to help people suffering from a disease on the nearby planet, but he does not have the paperwork to allow him entry into the quarantined zone.

At Star Trek Day, Sir Patrick Stewart enjoys a jolly moment with Jeri Ryan, September 9, 2022
On Thursday, the actors enjoyed a fun moment on their way to Star Trek Day, hosted by streaming service Los Angeles. They appeared in good spirits as they giggled among themselves before heading to commemorate the original Star Trek series's 56th anniversary.

Jean-Luc is seen on the United States in a final season of Star Trek: Picard. Titan is the king of Titan, September 9, 2022
On Star Trek Day, The first trailer for Star Trek: Picard's final season was revealed. During the internationally broadcasted Star Trek Day commemoration on Thursday, series star Patrick Stewart himself premiered the new video for the first time. Following the announcement that the 10-episode final season would premiere on February 16, 2023, only on Paraphrasedoutput, new episodes will air on Thursdays.